Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When will good weather be here to stay?

We have never had such a hard time getting good weather for our sale. In the past we set a date and we had the sale. Weather was never an issue. Last year our spring sale was around March 19, but this year it might be June before we can have it. Hope for good weather next week. Can't wait to see everyone.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Update on the yard sale

We have been patiently waiting for a Monday-Saturday to be good weather but now we are getting very inpatient. Hopefully next week the weather will cooperate. I will email those on our list (and if you aren't on the list and want to be, let me know) and will give details on the blog. We have over 250 pieces of furniture waiting for the sale, so pray for sun (or even clouds with no rain). Hope to see you next week.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This is what you call REALLY SHABBY

Ron had a great time shabbying this piece. It's a great storage cabinet. We're still looking at the weather. A sunny next few days but it shows rain everyday next week (The report changes daily so we haven't given up yet on next week). Last year our spring show was in March. How did the weather cooperate last year so early. This year it might be May before we get to have our spring sale.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rain, rain, go away...

This week, that is, Wed. - Sat. would be a great week to have the yard sale BUT we need Mon.-Sat. to be good weather so we can set up on Mon. and Tues. So... we hope that the week starting the 19th will be good weather to have the yard sale. Our storage places are bursting at the seams and Ron can hardly walk around in his house because it is sooooooo full of furniture. These pictures are of a few pieces that we decided to fix up but leave them in their original finish because they were so pretty that way. Bench - $80.00.-Sold, Chair - $70.00, Little book case - $30.00. Child's rocking chair (has a crank in back you turn to make it go higher) - $50.00. Stay tuned, I'll be posting more pictures this week.