Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Back to Painting

The last couple of weeks we have found some fun pieces of furniture. Most of them don't even need to have too much repair done (that's the kind we like). So we are back to painting. I hate to think about it, but fall will be here before we know it (we haven't even had a spring yet) so we have to keep busy. A couple of days ago, I took a break from painting because I had a project that I was itching to do. Last summer or fall a yard sale friend called and asked me if I wanted an old player piano. She said it was beautiful. So I said sure, but I didn't know it would just about take a crane to move it. Her son brought it over and between my husband and son and her son they barely slid it off the trailer. My husband did some research on it and decided it was way too big of a project to restore it; but the wood pieces were beautiful so I just couldn't junk them. So.....my husband dismantled it (it took forever) and I saved the main parts to make something with. I decided a bench would be good. So here is my finished project. I'm probably a little weird or maybe it is just because I made it, but I'm really excited about it. ...... I'll post some pictures of other finished projects soon.


  1. I love the piano bench! What a great piece. You are so talented. . . .Karie
